In this episode, I speak with the co-founders of Propexo, a company focused on integrations between property technology solutions and the core property management software in use in the industry. The discussion highlights their journeys from working on product at Hubspot to their latest start up venture, the lessons they have learned along the way and what they endeavor to carry forward. Don’t miss this insightful conversation.

About Remen Okoruwa

Remen Okoruwa is the co-founder & CEO of Propexo (formerly Propify), a Y Combinator-backed technology company offering a unified API for property management software integrations. Prior to Propify, Remen has worked in a variety of tech and strategy roles, including product management at HubSpot and management consulting at McKinsey.

About Ben Keller

Grew up in the small town of Greenville Delaware. Aspired to be a surgeon my whole life and follow in my father’s footsteps. At Boston College I was excited by all of the other career opportunities. I did a stint in Real Estate Private Equity but wanted to be responsible for more surface area of a company so I decided to take a shot at working for a startup. The most talked-about startup in Boston at the time was HubSpot. I joined the operations team and got to watch a company go Public. From there, I moved to the Product org where I was the first PM working on the CRM. I built HubSpot’s CRM for 5 years which is where I met Remen, my now cofounder.
