Over the years I have authored one book and contributed to five others that were written by my late father, James Chen. My dad shared his passion for the night sky and exposed me to astronomy at an early age; looking towards the unknown has driven my thirst for adventure and exploration ever since. If astronomy is of interest or you would like to support me, consider purchasing a book from one of the links below so that my family may earn a small commission on the sale. Thanks and happy reading/observing!
Celebrating 30 Years of the Space Shuttle Program by Adam Chen
Published by NASA/GPO, 2012
This 280+ page coffee table book features a full spread for each shuttle mission complete with mission stats and imagery.

How to Find the Apollo Landing Sites by James L. Chen / Graphics by Adam Chen
Published by Springer Publishing, The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, 2014
This book addresses what Apollo equipment and experiments were left behind and what the Apollo landings sites look like now. Each Apollo mission is examined in detail, with photos that progressively zoom-in to guide the reader in locating the Apollo landing sites. Guided by official NASA photographs from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the original Apollo missions, the reader can view the Moon with a new appreciation of the accomplishment of landing astronauts on its surface.

A Guide to Hubble Space Telescope Objects: Their Selection, Location, and Significance by James L. Chen / Graphics by Adam Chen
Published by Springer Publishing, The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, 2015
Countless people have seen the amazing photographs taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. But how many people can actually point out where in the sky those objects are? Why were these objects chosen to be studied? What discoveries were made from the Hubble Space Telescope photographs? This book is for anyone who wants answers to these questions.

The NexStar Evolution and SkyPortal User’s Guide by James L. Chen / Graphics by Adam Chen
Published by Springer Publishing, The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, 2016
This book serves as a comprehensive guide for using a Nexstar Evolution mount with WiFi SkyPortal control, walking the reader through the process for aligning and operating the system from a tablet or smartphone. The next generation Go-To mount from Celestron, this is compatible not only with the Nextstar Evolution but also with older mounts. It is the ideal resource for anyone who owns, or is thinking of owning, a Nexstar Evolution telescope, or adapting their existing Celestron mount.

The Vixen Star Book User Guide by James L. Chen / Graphics by Adam Chen
Published by Springer Publishing, The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, 2016
A revolution in amateur astronomy has occurred in the past decade with the wide availability of high tech, computer-driven, Go-To telescopes. Vixen Optics is leading the way by offering the Star Book Ten system, with its unique star map graphics software. After a short history of computerized Go-To telescopes for the consumer amateur astronomer market, Chen offers a treasury of technical information. His advice, tips, and solutions aid the user in getting the most out of the Star Book Ten system in observing sessions.

Astronomy for Older Eyes: A Guide for Aging Backyard Astronomers
Author: James L. Chen / Graphics by Adam Chen
Published by: Springer Publishing, The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, 2017
Summary: This book is for the aging amateur astronomy population, including newcomers to astronomy in their retirement and hobbyists who loved peering through a telescope as a child. Whether a novice or an experienced observer, the practice of astronomy differs over the years. This guide will extend the enjoyment of astronomy well into the Golden Years by addressing topics such as eye and overall health issues, recommendations on telescope equipment, and astronomy-related social activities especially suited for seniors.